Let’s get this party started. And also… how I got here

Here we are. First post on the shiniest new toy – I mean website. So, to get this party started, let’s start with a bit of an introduction.

First, I’ve been in the tech space since 2008/9. While I did have professional stints as a database developer/administrator, website dev, backend dev… the vast majority of that time has been as an Android developer. I published my first app in 2009; it was a tower defense game.

Since then, I’ve worked in healthcare, defense contractor, finance, education, and now of all places, the dating industry. I’ve published more than 50 apps across those industries and have built features used by millions of users across the world.

I have worked on C/++ projects 4 million lines long, written and maintained a custom T-SQL parser, and implemented a wide variety of data access standards such as ODBC, JDBC, OLEDB, and ADO.NET.

It’s pretty safe to say that I’ve seen a thing or two in my decade+ of development and that I take full advantage of my prior certifications and skills, applying those to the problems I solve today.

Okay, let’s move on

The most recent side project and passion of mine has been devops. Specifically, homelabs! I know everyone has their own flavor of homelab and challenges that they like to solve, and there’s no judging there. Anyone that has a passion for it gets mad respect from me.

My journey over the last year though has been figuring out, from the ground up, kubernetes. How to implement it, best practices… worst practices. How to nuke your cluster, what are nodes, services, pods, and how do they all work together to provide high availability services.

That’s what this website is for. I have meticulously documented my year-long journey and I’m looking forward to sharing what I’ve learned and the projects that I’ve worked on.

In addition to talking about kubernetes concepts, I plan on talking about things I’ve implemented and what I learned along the way. For example, this is a list of the services (well, most at least) that I’m currently running inside the cluster

  • Authentik
  • ddns
  • elasticsearch
  • wordpress (x4)
  • grocy
  • home assistant
  • homepage
  • immich
  • kasm
  • keel
  • kubevip
  • grafana + prometheus
  • longhorn
  • metallb
  • mongodb
  • mqtt
  • nats
  • node feature discovery
  • omada
  • owncloud
  • seafile
  • plex
  • postgres
  • rancher
  • redis
  • rundeck
  • scrypted
  • searxng
  • tautulli
  • traefik
  • uptime kuma
  • wireguard
  • bitwarden

Alrighty, see y’all on the other side.


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